中级经济师考试答案 英语口语:拖延症英语怎么说?_网易教育


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NO.1 神马是“拖延症”?


拖延症”的典范心态仿佛可以用片子《浊世才子》结尾的经典台词“After all, tomorrow isanotherday!”(毕竟明天又是新的一天)来概括。

“明天”是盼望的一天,是意气风发的一天,也是西班牙谚语中“一礼拜中最忙的一天”(tomorrow isoften the busiest day ofaweek),甚至“一年中最忙的一天”。事实上,“拖延症”的英语“procrastination”便是由pro(向前)和crastinus(明天)组合成的拉丁语procrastinus(向前推到明天)而来。这个单词的拉丁语词源和咱们“明日复明日、明日何其多”的古训刚好从正反两面阐明“拖延症”古已有之,中西皆然。

“拖延症”患者(procrastinator)并不必定是“勤鬼”(lazybones),良多成绩出色者更是闻名的拖延。例如达·芬奇便是一位不折不扣的“拖延症”患者。他的传世画作《蒙娜丽莎》画了四年,《最后的晚餐》画了三年,均远超客户划定的交稿时光,逝世时手中还有五六幅作品未交付。他曾在日记中宣泄道:“告知我,告诉我,到底有哪件事件实现了?”当今《冰与火之歌》(热播美剧《权利的游戏》原著)的作者乔治·马丁因拖稿遭粉丝频频埋怨,有媒体甚至说他“几乎创下了拖延症之最”(likelysetting some sort of record forprocrastination)。一位亲密关注马丁行程的粉丝说,他在“全力以赴躲避下一本书的写作”(he is doing everything in hispower to avoid workingon his latest novel)。

对不少“拖延症”患者来说,“deadline(最后期限)”恐怕才是第一出产力。确实,不少人都休会过在最后期限前灵感爆发、效力惊人的巅峰状态。《河汉系周游指南》的作者道格拉斯·亚当斯就曾说:“我爱最后期限。我爱它们飞奔而过期的咆哮声”(Ilove deadlines。 I like the whooshingsound they make as they fly by)。


NO.2 如何医治“拖延症”?

“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.”——Spanish Proverb


One of the most common problems is procrastination. We know what we want todo and shoulddo. But still we end up spending hours upon hours doing “easier”work or escaping via TV, blogsor music.


Now, nothing wrong with a little escape from time to time. But if youprocrastinate too much youwill not get the most important things done. And youwill also send yourself into negative spiralswhere your self-esteem plummets andyou spend your days or more in a vague negative funk.


So what can you do? Here are 7 timeless tips to help you to stopprocrastinating and start livingyour life more fully.


1. Stop thinking. Start doing.


A bit of planning can certainly help you to achieve what you want toachieve. A lot of planning andthinking tends to have the opposite effect.


You think and think and try to come up with “the perfect plan”. A planwhere you don t have tomake mistakes, where you will never be rejected, wherethere will be no pain or difficulties. Such athing does of course not exist. Butas long as you work on that plan you can protect yourself.


2. Don t blow a task out of proportion.


By over thinking and putting things off you are not only trying to protectyourself from pain. Youalso make mountains out of molehills. The quotes aboveare so true it isn t even funny. The morehours and days you put something offthe worse it grows in your mind.


Because you are dwelling on it. And so it expands in your mind. And sinceyou are putting it offyou are probably thinking about it in a negative way. Soplan a little and then take action.


3. Just take the first step.


When you start to look too far into the future any task or project can seemclose to impossible.And so you shut down because you become overwhelmed andstart surfing the internet aimlesslyinstead. That is one of the reasons why itis good to plan for the future but then to shift yourfocus back to today and thepresent moment.


Then you just focus on taking the first step today. That is all you need tofocus on, nothing else.By taking the first step you change your mental statefrom resistant to “hey, I m doing this, cool”.


本文起源:新东方 义务编纂:马志秋_NQ2478

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